
Days Off

It's my day off today. Hooray!
And what to do on my day off?
Make stuff, of course.

Our friend Matt is in town, and he brought his wood-burning tool with him. So I thought I'd try my hand at it. (No pun intended.) It was harder than I thought it would be, but I did manage not to burn myself.

The difference between making stuff on my day off and making stuff the rest the week is that I keep the day-off stuff (or give it away), as opposed to selling it.

My beautiful cousin Abby and her equally beautiful (and very silly) little one Lucy are in town too. Lucy, who is almost 5, showed up bedecked in her finest princess attire and headed straight to the treadmill. It was rather surreal watching this tiny, sparkly, pink person walking in place for a good half hour. Then it was off to the hot tub, followed by a bath (did I mention she's a water bug?). When sleep was finally given in to, it was grown-up time! We all sat around the fire listening to Abby sing her beautiful songs and enjoying each other's company until sleep was finally given in to by all.

This morning, my dad is taking us girls out in his boat.

It's an old boat.

An old, small, rather neglected boat.

Wish us luck.

If I survive, I'll post pictures.


  1. I love days off! Enjoy!

  2. ...*hee,hee* I gotta visual of this lil' decked out person walking in place on your treadmill...too cute! :o)

    ...And do enjoy your day off and good luck with that boat ride!

    ...I'ma long time fan of your work, just recently found your blog and so happy I did - keep up the great artistry!

    ...Blessings... :o)

  3. Oooooooh! ENJOY, ENJOY, ENJOY your day off! (Your cousin IS pretty, and wish you had a photo of Abby who sounds adorable!) Have a beautiful boat ride, Jo!

  4. That is your FIRST attempt at woodburning? Is there anything you can't do!!!! It's wonderful!

  5. sounds like a super full day off! Good to recharge the soul...enjoy!

  6. Lovely day off creation! I agree, there's nothing you can't do!!
    Dylan's newsletter today really cracked me up...dittos, lol:)

  7. Sounds like a wonderful day and the little princess sounds like a sweetie.


  8. what, treadmills don't come with little pink sparkly princesses already installed? then what, exactly, is the point of having a treadmill?? lol. sounds like a grand day off to me.

    didja survive or should i call the Coast Guard?

  9. Sounds like the perfect day of bliss!

  10. Hi, Jo!
    Your cousin has a nice site as well. Gosh, creativity must flow through your family's genes like a river.
    Take care,
    Candace in Athens.


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