
Swapity Swap Swap

Remember the fabric swap thingy from a few weeks ago?
Well here's an update for all of you who played along (and for anyone else who cares). I'm done! The last package of squares arrived today, all the way from The Netherlands. In all, I saw squares from Maine, Idaho, Florida, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Texas, North Carolina, Kansas, California, Utah, Leeuwarden in The Netherlands, Essex in England, and Ontario in Canada. Whew!
Here's a little peek at the newly-sorted stacks:
It was fun, and my overly organized tendencies helped quite a bit.

This is what I did-- As everyone's squares arrived I assigned them a letter (A-P) and I stuck a little piece of tape on all their squares with that letter on it. Then, when it came time to sort, I just went through the alphabet (skipping their original letter) to make sure everyone got new squares, peeling off the little bits of tape as I went along.

I added my squares last, on account of I wanted to do something a little different with them. I tried making a stamp, but I didn't like how it turned out. So in the end I just made a good old-fashioned stencil to add a little birdy friend.
Don't the little finished bundles look sweet all piled up together?
I've got them all packaged up now and ready to head to the post office. Thank you to all who participated! I hope everyone shares what they make with their squares.


  1. Look at those lovely little bundles. I cant cant cant wait until I get a package in the mail. Thank-you so much for creating this swap. Idaho

  2. Those piles of fabric look wonderful!!!! I'm so sorry I missed out on this..it sounds like fun!

    :)Have a great day

  3. so fun....like the stencil...have a happy tuesday..

    Sonia ;)

  4. I'm so excited I can't wait to see what I get. I'll be more then glad to share photos of what I make with my squares. Thanks again Jo for doing this fabric swap....it has been really fun. :)



    Ps... I love the bird blocks you created!!!

  5. Wow Jo! You just really are THAT good, aren't you? :-) Thanks ever so much for all that work. You're awesome! (and SO very talented it almost makes me cry)

  6. What a job !! Your method sounds a breeze , but I don't suppose it was anything like as simple as you make out . Thankyou for all that hard work !
    And how nice to get something specially made for us .....can't wait !
    P.S. Sorry to have kept you all waiting ....heaven knows what route my squares took .

  7. I love getting mail. I love getting fabric. Fabric in the mail is double goodness.

  8. Oh boy...Oh boy...OH BOY!!! I'm so excited! Hmmmm... now what am I going to do with all that yummy fabric? And that stenciled fabric from you Jo... mercy, so nice of you!
    Did you keep some for yourself too? I sure hope so.
    Thank you Jo for all your hard work.
    You're a PEACH!

  9. This was SO much fun! Thanks so much for all the work you put into it!


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