
June Already?

It's 10:30 in the morning here on the beautiful Oregon Coast. The sun is shining it's heart out, the birds are singing their birdy songs, and Spring is giving way to Summer.
Silly Dilly, that night-owl husband of mine, is sleeping away, which is why I couldn't possibly wash all those very clangy dishes waiting for me. Oh the sacrifices one must make :) Instead I sit here typing quietly, planning out my day's events. I have many projects going on at once, all on different levels of completion. Baseball and visitors have put a dent in my schedule and I'm playing catch-up this week. Luckily, my schedule is quite bendy, and dents bounce out easily enough.
Today finds me drawing, stitching, and painting.
Here's a little peek at the goings-on:
Can you guess what
this week's color is?


  1. This photo kind of makes me want to eat my veggies.

  2. Wow, and I thought I was fast. You popped up a new post and I smirked about being first, but noooo.... !!!

    Seriously now, thanks for sharing this process with us, Jo. And I love love love green! Can not wait to see what these little lovelies tell you to do.

    Take care!
    Candace in Athens.

  3. I want to come over and play!!! Your color of the week is FAB!!! Loving the Mermaid girl already!!


  4. Green.......Yay..I love your work...baby steps in my doll...gesso tonight...LOL

    Sonia ;)

  5. Oh Jo, this group looks really wonderful and I love green! I'm working in orange, black and cream (guess what I'm working on!!-HA!) so green sounds terrific!

    Have a great week!!

  6. Everything looks so fresh and pretty with all those beautiful greens. I can't wait to see all these lovelies finished. :)

  7. Thanks for the well wishes Jo. I'm am so hoping all the kiddo's are on the mend. I found a Little Red Riding Hood doll last night in my thrift store hunt. I couldn't help myself, I just had to get it so I could send it your way. She was so lonely stuck on a shelf with weird clay figurines. I scooped her up & would love to send her to make friends with your other Red Riding Hoods. Would you be able to send me your address or po box through my email so I can send her your way? Hope you have a great rest of the week. Look forward to hearing from you :)

  8. Love the green of this week....so pretty and fresh!

    :)Wishing you a wonderful day,

  9. I just love your imagination Jo! One of my favorite colors is green, can't wait to see them when they are finished!:)

  10. yay! love green! looks adorable already. perhaps I WILL get one this time (no lack of trying)

  11. Erm , green ? Maybe it's all the spring growth at the moment , but I'm noticing a lot of that lovely fresh , sharp green lately .

  12. Anonymous6/05/2009

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  13. Anonymous6/05/2009

    I am so happy to have found your wonderful blogspot. What great talent you have in bringing such exquisite character to your sweet dolls. We are neighbors sort of. I live in Toledo, outside of Newport. Do you have a store in Lincoln City? My husbands cousins own the Lincoln City Feed and Seed.
    I bead gourds as well as making pine needle baskets and as many other projects as I can get time for. But, gourdbeading is my real medium. I used to do alot of water color but switched to beads as my new medium. I have been published in Bead and Button magazine Feb. 2007 issue. I did the Afican Rose Gourd. It took 2 1/2 years to complete. I am now working on The White Buffalo of the Plains. Hope to finish it in this lifetime. Hehe.
    I look forward to seeing more of your work.
    Thank you for sharing you wonderful dolls.
    Jan MacKay

  14. I'm loving what I'm seeing here! Can't wait to see the completed creations!

  15. My favorite color, Joee! (I see the world through green eyes!)

    Can't wait to see them come to life!!


  16. looks like lots of fun... love that shade of green, very soft... back to work... :) PJ

  17. Hi Jo, I absolutely adore your art and you and Dylan's sense of humor. I can always count on a good chuckle here at your blog.

  18. Uhhhhh.... let's see. Maybe Green? Oh my.. do I see a little Gnome type figure on that table, with a little pointy head/hat? I'm already definitely in love with the Sunflower girl and the lovely Butterfly. Jo... you guys are amazing! Penny


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