
Button Stars and Quilted Stripes

I make it a rule to not talk politics in public, but I am an American, and for all it's flaws there is no denying it's a beautiful country built on beautiful ideals.
It was with those ideals in mind
that I tried to give my Uncle Sam a look of hope.
I imagined him looking towards a bright future.

There are no such heady concepts behind the flag we made this week. I just wanted to play with our national symbol a bit. Yes, I'm aware that it's not an literal translation of the official flag of the United States, but it gets the idea across. It's obviously an American flag, despite it's 15-star and 2-stripe deficit.

Had I known how much time would be invested in this not-so-little flag of mine, I probably would have thought again. I really like how it came out though, even if it did take a big ole bite out of my red-button jar. I counted (as best I could with my daughter helpfully counting along) and there are 168 (give or take) buttons on this Old Glory. I took it with me to baseball practice and soccer games, doing a good impersonation of Betsy Ross.

While I had the red, white, and blue paints out I couldn't resist making a little Lady Liberty to keep Sam company. He's wishing I would have made her a little older. Apparently she's at that age where she just asks "Why?" over and over and over. Good thing Uncle Sam is a patient man, he has a lot of explaining to do.


  1. Great!! Love your Sam with the clock looking forward to the future!!
    what is in the jar or bowl at the top?

  2. Thanks canngil!
    Buttons. :)

  3. OMG...I don't know where to start! Okay First the flag which is my favorite...I love buttons and I love it! I think the faces you paint on your dolls are MARVELOUS!:)

  4. Uncle Sam's face is definitely hopeful...beautifully done.
    The flag is amazing...I love buttons too but I'm so grudging when I use them.
    When I was a kid we rounded out our play-money with button coins...maybe that's why.

  5. I'm really enjoying this group of figures Jo...but don't I say that every week!

    Have a good one you two!!

  6. Your flag is a beauty! And given my Australian-ness, I'm not too fussed about the 'stripe' and 'star' deficit and too blown away by it's gorgeousness.

  7. TOTALLY gorgeous Sam!! I love it!!

  8. Love your patriotic pieces and the flag is a such a creative piece. I need to start doing some for myself.


  9. Love all your new pieces, the flag is totally awesome! My favorite however is your Uncle Sam. I have never found renditions of him particularly benign looking, infact he can often look downright threatening. Given that a feeling of hope can help us all when dealing with
    various crisis and hardships, your Uncle Sam
    is absolutely perfect! THIS is how Uncle Sam should look!

  10. Jo,
    I love Uncle Sam.I appreciate that he does not look like a grumpy old man:)
    The flag is also a stunning piece. I never count those flag stripes. Funny how artists can capture the essence of a subject and numbers have to take a back seat:).

  11. Anonymous5/13/2009

    Uncle Sam is wonderful! ☺

  12. WOW, how do you do it girl? Your work is simply amazing and I love it all! I like the Uncle Sam (of Hope)... we so need it right now! Great job!
    Have a great Wednesday.

  13. Another amazing offering from an amazing artist!

  14. Uncle Sam is amazing!! I love his look but that flag is just unreal!! Love love love it and those buttons!! Wow!
    Little Liberty girl is just adorable.


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