
Alice Goes to Australia

Here's what we got in the mail yesterday-

That's The Cart on the cover! Woohoo! Our very first cover. If you look closely you'll see our little Alice dolly on the bottom there.

. . .
Alice is having quite the adventure in Australia!
Here she is playing croquet-

Here she is again-

It's our very first (and only) doll pattern.

I have no idea where you can buy this magazine here in The States. So if any of you come across it, please let me know. You can get this issue HERE starting May 15.

We are so pleased with the feature. Eight pages,

plus full-size pattern templates!

Thanks Australian Homespun! . . .

Meanwhile, back at The Cart . . .

Here's a little peek at some of what I'm working on today-
It just felt like a red-and-white kind of week. (More accurately, it has been a red-white-and-blue week, but you'll just have to wait til Sunday for the blue.)
. . .
What color is your week?




  2. Awesome Jo and Dylan! So happy for you both and a big congrats!!

  3. How Awesome! Alice is sure having a great adventure.
    Have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day,
    Tracy M.

  4. Congratulations to you both!
    And the red and white is lookin' good. :)

  5. That is AWESOME! Alice is wonderful! I love the red and white theme....nothing better than some red and white striped legs.
    My next few days will be full of black, white, orange and green.
    Have a great weekend and many congrats!

  6. I knew it'd only be a matter of time. Yall deserve it so much and I'm so proud for ya too! Congrats :)

  7. Congratulations Joee and Dylan!

    Yay! That's awesome! So proud of you both!

    Looks like Alice is having a great time too!!

    Hmmmm ~ I'm wondering....What direction do you spiral if you fall down an Australian Rabbit Hole?

    Enchanted Blessings,

  8. Jo...

    Congrats ...Yall deserve it...wow..a published magazine..You are world renowned...woot woot...Love Red...

    Sonia ;)

  9. Ha leave it to Joycee to question Australia's rabbit holes!!!

    You guys are awesome in every country! Congrats!!

  10. Well done! I'll definitely buy a copy when I see one at the local newsagent's.
    Have a great weekend.

  11. Anonymous5/08/2009

    Fabulous magazine coverage! But you deserve it all!

    My color this week has been gray... no green... no kinda sunny~

  12. Congratulations on the magazine. I always thought the magazines sent copies to people who published in them? I will keep my eyes open, I have seen a lot of the australian magazines in the craft stores here.


  13. Hey, let me know if you need me to track you down your very own copy for posterity (not sure I'll be able to sort out the supply for an entire American audience though!). Well done on the first cover thingy!!!

  14. Hi Jo and Dylan - so pleased that you love the copy of Homespun. It has been an absolute pleasure working with you both and I wish you all the best with the promotion. Various craft stores in the US stock Homespun but if you wish to get more copies (we only send out the one to each contributor featured in the magazine), more copies can be obtained from our US distributor which is Stonehouse Publications. They can be contacted on 1800 461 1640 or log on to their website at www.craftmags.com I believe you can also organise subscriptions through them if you or your blog followers are ever interested. Thank you again for everything - Alice is currently on a tour in Australia. She's just been to Brisbane for a craft show and is on her way back to us soon. We will have her and the white rabbit sent home to you as soon as we can.


    Catherine Sanchez

  15. Joee!!!! That is just sooo cool! Alice looks wonderful...hope you can find more copies in the USA!!!!
    Have a creative May!
    Bugs & Hisses

  16. Wow!!! Congratulations Joee and Dylan!! How wonderful!! Definitely well-deserved featured!! You could actually do a whole book on your creations!!:o)

  17. Joe and Dylan,
    Hey for you and Alice. The feature is awesome. I think you need a twenty-one doll salute.
    My favorite color this week is GREEN. I'm so thankful for the green surrounding the homes here in the Helena valley.

  18. THAT is so COOL! Woot to you!! I think the Toronto Chapters carries this magazine - I'll see if I can get it.

  19. That's awesome! Congrats!!!

  20. Oh wow! How exciting!

  21. Well now.............it seems that hard work and great ideas pay off. Oh Happy Day to you two and all you have accomplished. You know what I like best is that "even if" you were the only two people in the world to see each others work........you would love it, and be as passionate about it as the day you started.

  22. How special! You deserve it! Congrats!

  23. Anonymous5/10/2009

    What good news! Congratulations!

  24. A big CONGRATULATIONS, Joee and Dylan! You deserve the recognition for your wonderful Alice...(it sounds like she's on quite the adventure!)

    Wishing you continued success,


  25. and no one more deserving!!! congrats you guys!! robin


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