
Spring is Springing

It's been an elbows-deep-in-art week around the ole Cart.
Little snips of thread and fabric piled up. Paint flew. Buttons buttoned.
Erasers erased. Stitches were stitched. Messes were made.
. . .
Here is a peek at the fruits of our labors-
Spring is surely springing around our neck of the woods, although it has been hiding its pretty flowery head amongst storm clouds and downpours. Still, it's there, ever hopeful, awaiting a break in Mother Nature's tantrum.
But wait. . .is that a sun ray I see??
Oh joyful Spring!


  1. Oh, Jo, your work is always such a delight to see! It sounds like you've been really busy, and I'll look forward to seeing all of your new creations.


  2. Wow you have been busy busy...Love the all of the creations of your whimsical world.


    Sonia ;)

  3. a treat for the eyes..your art is beautiful and SO creative. I love to visit!!


Thanks for stopping by!